
I am deeply grateful to my dear friends and colleagues for their expertise, camaraderie, and their support in editing my Psalter.


Michael Boney, D.Div, M.M.

Organist and Director of Music
St. John’s Episcopal Cathedral
Denver, CO

Katherine Dienes-Williams, MA, BMus, LTCL, FRCO, Hon ARSCM, Hon GCM

Organist and Master of the Choristers
Guildford Cathedral
Surry, UK

David Enlow, M.Mus, FAGO

Organist & Choir Master
Church of the Resurrection
New York, NY

Jared Johnson, D.M.A.

Canon Organist and Choirmaster
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
Columbia, SC

Walden Moore, M.M.

Director of Music
Trinity on the Green Episcopal Church
Lecturer in Organ
Yale University
New Haven, CT

Bruce Neswick, M.M., FAGO, FRSCM

Canon for Cathedral Music
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
Portland, OR

Steven E. Plank, Ph.D.

Andrew B. Meldrum Professor
Oberlin College
Director, Collegium Musicum Oberliniense
Oberlin, OH

Nigel Potts, M.M.

Canon Organist and Master of the Music
Grace Church Cathedral
Charleston, SC

James Rightmyer, D.M.A., FAGO

Organist & Choirmaster
St. Francis in the Fields Episcopal Church
Louisville, KY

Andrew Scanlon, M.M. FAGO

Organist and Choirmaster
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Professor of Sacred Music and
Organ Performance
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC

Andrew Sheranian, M.M.

Organist and Master of Choristers
All Saints Episcopal Church Ashmont
Boston, MA

Michael Smith, M.M.

RSCM America Board of Directors
Organist and Choirmaster
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
Whitemarsh, PA

Frederick Teardo, D.M.A.

Director of Music & Organist
Cathedral Church of the Advent
Birmingham, AL

Maxine Thevenot, D.M.A., ARCCO, HonFCM

Canon Precentor, Director of
Cathedral Music & Organist
Episcopal Cathedral of St. John
Albuquerque, NM

Paul Weber, D.M.A.

Organist & Choirmaster
Trinity Episcopal Church
New Orleans, LA


Elisabeth Avery

Carol Hamlin

Meg Parsons


Michael Smith


Alfred Moreschi

Special Thanks

To all my supporters who backed this project financially, many thanks! This book is possible because of you!

To the Reverend Canon George Brandt, Jr., the Reverend Elizabeth Maxwell, the Reverend Kate Flexer, the St. Michael’s Choir, the vestry, and congregation of St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, I am eternally grateful for your encouragement, support, and for being the test subjects for thes chants!

To my wife and editor-in-chief, Kathleen – she’s always had the keenest eye for catching questionable pointing, misspelled words, and all things musical and non-musical that called for deeper reflection. Every single chant composed in this psalter was done so with her voice singing in my head. She is my Anam Cara and true compass star, always keeping our journey together full of wonder, joy, and love. Words cannot truly express my gratitude to a higher power for your being in my life.

Lastly, if any errors exist in this book – misspelled words, missing dashes, dots, bar lines, or reverential capitalizations, the fault is entirely mine.